Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The 9 / 11 Terrorist Attack - 891 Words

Introduction The 9/11 terrorist attack is known as the worst in American History. A normal day on September 11th, 2001, nineteen terrorist from the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda prepared to hijack four planes. Two planes were flown into New York City hitting the towers of the World Trade Center. A third plane flew just right outside of Washington, D.C hitting the Pentagon. The last plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. All attackers got on to the planes safely and were prepared to take their own lives and the lives of others (a suicide attack). Although 9/11 is the worst terrorist attack in American history, it was not the first terrorist attack that the Islamic group al-Qaeda had on the United States (U.S). December 29th,†¦show more content†¦Another reason the attack could have been avoided is if back then America had better airport security. Back then pocket knives that were at most four inches long were allowed on board. The hijackers were able to get multiple k nives, tear gas, mace, and similar chemicals. One last reason why the attack could have been avoided is if Zacarias Moussaoui a person who was involved with the attack was arrested and FBI members were allowed to search his property. CIA Refusal to Share Information with FBI When 9/11 happened, people looked at it as an immediate act on war. George W. Bush s (The president at the time) administration stipulated war against terrorists. Well August 11th, 2011 President Bush was on vacation in Texas when five days earlier he had been warned about terrorist in the U.S. Bush brushed it off, just completely ignored it. There was even a paper titled: Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US. During this same month everyone is continuing on with life as if everything will be ok even with this threat. Newspapers are speaking about a shark attack, radio stations are talking about Beyoncà © s new song, and at the movies American Pie II is the top movie in the box office. While these are the main focuses the hijackers are receiving training in gyms, learning how to fly a plane, buying knives, vests, and investing in money from banks. San Diego FBI agent Steven Butler knew what the CIA knew about the possible terrorist attack. Nawaf Alhamzi

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