Monday, December 30, 2019

Felix Longorias Wake Essay - 947 Words

Felix Longoria’s Wake The book Felix Longoria’s Wake is the account of the death of Felix Longoria a soldier that caused controversy and outrage in Mexican-American activism. This book is put together with documented evidence and interviews with key figures. Carroll explains the reason behind why Longoria’s incident ignited activism. There were more severe acts of discrimination against Mexican Americans that were not brought into the spot light. He clarifies why this particular incident became such a turning point in nationalism and emotion between the Mexican and American cultures. Felix Longoria was a first class private who earned many metals including: a Bronze Service Star, a†¦show more content†¦Carroll became apart of the University Faculty in 1976. Felix Longoria’s Wake was originally to be written by Political Science Professor Frederick A. Cervantes who unfortunately passed away in 1986. A Civil Rights Activist appointed Carroll to complete the task. â€Å"Felix Longoria’s Wake† received positive reviews and the Tullis Prize in 2003 for the best-published book on Texas history presented by the Texas State Hi storical Association. He was also a featured author in the 2003 Texas Book Festival. Carroll has given presentations across the nation and Mexico and received the University’s Excellence in Scholarship Award in 2004. The book was very well put together and organized with documented evidence and interviews from important people. A lot of research was put into this book and all the research used is cited in the back of the book. Since the topic is such a controversial topic I understand that all the information had to be correctly used which is why the research was so in-depth. The book was easy to read there was a few words I was unsure of and had to define in order to better understand them. The situation itself brought up other issues of that time such as: social, economic, and politics. The conclusion at the end really helps by summing up some main points considering there is a lot of information throughout the reading. The drawing and pictures included in the text are very interesting and it is really cool to get to seeShow MoreRelatedMexican American Civil Rights Movement2653 Words   |  11 Pagesrights, in which it rightly deserves. This victory, which has been labeled â€Å"The Longoria Affair†, would cause a momentum within Latino civil rights movement that was previously unseen and would lead the way for political opportunities for Latinos. Felix Longoria is a name that should be recognizable to the general public, but sadly is not. This young father and husband answered the call of duty in November of 1944 and after basic training was immediately shipped off to fight in the Philippines.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Corporation - Book Review - 1670 Words

The Corporation: A Book Review Joel Bakan’s book, The Corporation: the Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, is a decisive look into the mind of the corporation, or big business. It outlines the importance of profit in business and how ruthless corporations are willing to be in order to bring in substantial revenue. The book uses a historical timeframe to portray the ruthlessness of business ever since the idea of the corporation arose in the 17th century. It provides an insight into a world of cheating, lying and stealing in order to advance in society; which is ultimately the goal Bakan was looking to reach. He provides many cases, examples and accounts which help the reader to understand the scheming which takes place and how†¦show more content†¦One specific example he used to aid in proving the irresponsibility of corporations was a lady who was driving a Chevrolet Malibu when another car slammed into her from behind. Upon impact the gas tank exploded which caused her children to be burnt . She then took her case to court in an attempt to sue General Motors for producing a gas tank which was unsafe and of poor design. When the car was originally test driven a memo had concluded that it would be cheaper to keep the current tank as it was then to produce a safer design. General Motors had concluded that the number of paying for the number of fatalities per vehicle on the road would be cheaper than reproducing a new gas tank to refit its vehicles. It is reasons like this that leads Bakan to conclude that cost-benefit analysis needs to be reviewed and legislation involved. Corporations need to be prevented from â€Å"acting in ways that are reasonably likely to cause harm, even if definitive proof that such harms will occur does not exist.†(PG 162) This is not the only case Bakan provides to help us see the idea of cost-benefit and how the desire for profit outweighs the general concern for human life. As the book progressed we saw Bakan’s idea of the corporation as a machine built to destroy the environment, wages and health; all at no cost toShow MoreRelatedWeek 1 Cpa Report729 Words   |  3 Pagesyour examination of a subsidiary that has been set up as a corporation. †¢ The methodology used to determine deferred taxes. The deferred taxes reported are a temporary difference. The deferred taxes were calculated based on what needed to be reported versus what has been posted to the corporations’ books. The â€Å"temporary difference is the difference between the tax basis of an asset or liability and its reported (carrying or book) amount in the financial statements, which will result inRead More Critical Reviews of Brave New World Essay example742 Words   |  3 PagesCritical Reviews of Brave New World Since the original publishing of Brave New World, the book has stirred up a brew of controversy. It has received many reviews both positive and negative. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Silabus Teori Ekonomi Mikro Free Essays

MICROECONOMICS I Nurman Setiawan Fadjar, SE. , MSc. Room: E-19 Class: IE-DADay: Wednesday Email: nurman@fe. We will write a custom essay sample on Silabus Teori Ekonomi Mikro or any similar topic only for you Order Now unibraw. ac. idHours: 09. 30 – 12. 00 References: – Mankiw, N. Gregory, â€Å"Principles of Economics†, 4th Ed. , Harcourt College Pub. , 2006. – Case, Karl E. , Ray C. Fair, â€Å"Principles of Economics†, 6th Ed. , Prentice Hall, Inc. , 2003. Courses: I. Priciples of Economics and Think Like an Economist. (#1, 2) II. Foundation of Microeconomics: Consumer and Firms. a. Household Behavior and Consumer Choice. (#5,21, #4,5) b. The Production Process: The Behavior of Profit-Maximizing Firms. (#13, #6) c. Short Run Costs and Output Decisions. (#7) d. Costs and Output Decisions in the Long Run. (#8) e. Input Demand: The Labor and Land Market. (#18, #9) f. Input Demand: The Capital Market and The Investment Decision. (#10) g. General Equilibrium and the Efficiency of Perfect Competition. (#7, #11) III. Market Imperfection and the Role of Government. a. Monopoly and Antitrust Policy. (#15, #12) b. Monopolistic Competition and Olygopoly. (#16, 7, #17) c. Externalities, Public Goods, Imperfect Information, and Social Choice. (#10, 11, #14) d. Income Distribution and Poverty. (#15) Grades : 1. Attendance: 5 % 2. Participation: 10 % 3. HW: 15 % 4. Quiz: 20 % 5. Midterm Exam: 35 % 6. Final Exam: 35 % + 120 % Good Luck! TEORI EKONOMI MIKRO I Nurman Setiawan Fadjar, SE. , MSc. Ruang: E-3 (IE), B-1 (AK) Kelas: IE-AC, AK-CDHari: Senin (IE), Kamis (AK) Email: nurman@fe. unibraw. ac. idJam: 07. 00 – 09. 30 Buku Referensi: – Mankiw, N. Gregory, â€Å"Principles of Economics†, 4th Ed. , Harcourt College Pub. 2006. – Case, Karl E. , Ray C. Fair, â€Å"Principles of Economics†, 6th Ed. , Prentice Hall, Inc. , 2003. Materi: I. Priciples of Economics and Think Like an Economist. (#1, 2) II. Foundation of Microeconomics: Consumer and Firms. a. Household Behavior and Consumer Choice. (#5,21, #4,5) b. The Production Process: The Behavior of Profit-Maximizing Firms. (#13, #6) c. Short Run Costs and Output Decisions. (# 7) d. Costs and Output Decisions in the Long Run. (#8) e. Input Demand: The Labor and Land Market. (#18, #9) f. Input Demand: The Capital Market and The Investment Decision. (#10) g. General Equilibrium and the Efficiency of Perfect Competition. (#7, #11) III. Market Imperfection and the Role of Government. a. Monopoly and Antitrust Policy. (#15, #12) b. Monopolistic Competition and Olygopoly. (#16, 7, #17) c. Externalities, Public Goods, Imperfect Information, and Social Choice. (#10, 11, #14) d. Income Distribution and Poverty. (#15) Penilaian : 1. Absensi: 5 % 2. Partisipasi: 10 % 3. Tugas: 15 % 4. Quiz: 20 % 5. UTS: 35 % 6. UAS: 35 % + 120 % Selamat Berjuang! How to cite Silabus Teori Ekonomi Mikro, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Everyone’s Favorite Class free essay sample

Chemistry in high school is an experience everyone lives through; few obtain pleasure from the experience most to never want to go through it again. I truly enjoyed it, and still I continued to make some mistakes. On the second test of the first semester all of my friends crammed and worried for about a week before the test. I thought the test would not be a big deal and decided to shirk studying or preparing at all. The day before the test my teacher lectured and I finally realized the challenge of balancing chemical equations. I went home that night and I could not stand the pressure, so I decided not even to try to prepared. I will regret that mistake for the rest of my high-school, and college experience. The day of the test arrived and I anxiously walked to class, first hour chemistry, and the best part of waking up. We will write a custom essay sample on Everyone’s Favorite Class or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Everyone in the class was studied and memorized numbers and charts before the test and I just relaxed. The teacher handed out the test. I needed to know how to use the information the teacher gave me. The teacher passed out charts and tables for the class, but they looked like Spanish to me. The test was tough, tough. The questions on the test were long and drawn out as long as the roots of an oak tree and the essays were like and endless cave that I could never escape from. I survived through the test, but knowing how horribly I did I was very troubled. The test came back about a week later and I received a D plus. It appalled me because I am an A student. I had an A going into the test and it dropped my grade down to a B. I worked hard the whole year and I could never end up raising my grade back up just because of that one mistake. I made a terrible mistake and I learned that to always prepare and study no matter how big or how small the test. I learned my lesson early in high s chool so my grades will not suffer later. I wish I could go back and rethink the situation, but I needed to learn a lesson.